Can you Crack the Milk Hill Crop Circle Code?

This information is both old and premature. I am sending it now because, sadly, isn't going to be around much anymore.

On 'Coast to Coast' Linda Moulton Howe announced a new crop circle on Milk Hill. I couldn't wait to download the picture. At first glance it was a stunningly elegant combination of a simple geometric pattern and simulated fractal side arms. As the file was still downloading, I noticed something very interesting.

The crop circle has two different layout techniques! The circles on the main skeletal pattern (blue in figure) seemed to be laid out with great precision while the circles on the fractal like arms seemed to be laid out in a relatively haphazard fashion. After adjusting the scale and perspective, the differences were more visible. The positions of the side circles are haphazard although their diameters are accurate. (See the matching shades of orange lines in the figure for examples of variable angles.)

Later came the discovery that the radii of the skeletal arcs are precisely 50.0 meters! That sort of accuracy is way out on the tip of a bell curve. (See the yellow dimension in the figure.) Please note: the original definition of a meter was 1/10,000,000th. of the distance from the equator to the north pole. Definitely an Earth measurement.

So here we have a crop circle with two blended but different layout techniques based on a very exact & very earthly 50.0 meter dimension. There is virtually no chance that this is a natural phenomena.
If ETs created the circle, the different layout techniques could not be an accident. It would be reasonable to expect the variations to be a form of communication. One that says "ATTENTION: inaccuracies combined with precision: we want you to look closely. By the way, we speak metric." The positional deviations of the arm circles from the mean, or the angular deviations from the mean must be a code! Circles beg for polar coordinates, where is north on Milk Hill? Also note that just two out of 409 circles are significantly wrong in size. These statistical outliers are indicated by Pink on the figure. Could these statistical outliers indicate start reading here and stop reading there? The code (intended to communicate) could be as simple as; larger angle = 1, smaller angle = 0. Of course it could be an I.Q. test. Can you crack the code?

Smelling a ruse, I have made no attempt to decode the message. Despite problems (like rainy weather and a hoof & mouth quarantine) I remain convinced that four hoaxers armed with little more than a script, three lengths of knotted rope, and some stakes could map out the main arcs in one night. (No lasers, satellites, or exotic surveying equipment required and no noticeable traces left behind.) The following night, a team could actually make the circles while more or less free handing the locations of the arm circles. A sneaky aspect of the design is that six main pivot/trample points are located off the centers of circles and likely to be missed by researches. (See magenta dots in the figure.)
To better understand crop circles we need to supplement our researcher skills with those of an illusionist.

Alien artifact or glorious hoax, the Milk Hill crop circle was a beautiful thing and I would love to be convinced that it was made by aliens.


  1. It was created by NASA's satellite sound pulsed sun harmonics study......doing a scientific study on plasma cell reactions, as a data collecting procedure.

    This is why atomic orbitals called a UFO manifestation are also witnessed at crop circle activations. If you research the ancient literature it discusses how the Earth was burnt by the Sun attack caused by them, which burnt sun harmonics into the Earth's rock face (photographed and also posted on many sites).

    Because NASA is test studying Earth, they have caused a break in natural sound patterns, that have caused the atomic sound orbitals to manifest and burn our atmosphere. This causes incorrect signals of the life force's own sound for plasma signals to continue, why we are being spiritually attacked similar to what was documented in ancient times as devil attacks/possession.

    This is why it is altering cellular information in the human attack because it is our life force, chemical wave lengths are the reason for brain wave activity, and harmonics the cause for image manifestation. All scientifically discussed as a reality known by NASA, used by NASA and is used by the American Government itself to promote their own gain into data for plasma cell creation as a technology.

    They have been doing illegal tests on human beings for many years and it is the reason why so many humans have been attacked.

  2. if it is aliens there trying to tell us how many dimensions were attached to and may be how to cross over to another plain of existence who knows there's stranger things out there
