Ghost in Inuvik?

I recently visited my sister and her family in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. While there we spent time at their cabin on Airport Lake, which is about 15 minutes south of Inuvik. On the day that these pictures were taken, my sister and I were skidooing late in the afternoon on one of the many deserted trap lines in the area when we stopped for a break and photo opportunity. The day was cloudy and that, together with the fact that during the winter, the sun never rises made for a rather dark day. In an attempt to take a picture of the bright horizon, we were both surprised at what appeared in the viewer of my digital camera. After the first picture, my sister suggested I take another... as you can see, it appears in the second photo as though the shape is moving up and away. It was certainly enough to motivate us to high tail it out of the bush and back to "civilization"!

What do you think we were seeing in these pictures? Is it actually a ghost? The very first thing we noticed was the rather large, feminine facial image in the top right part of the first picture... The "disbelievers" that I have shown this picture to suggest that it is nothing more than my breath as I was taking the picture, but that makes no sense. It was unseasonably warm in Inuvik this past Christmas (-10 that day), and given that I was using a digital camera, I was holding it a fair distance from my face.

Sincerely, Karen Barnes

1 comment:

  1. Those are some amazing photos, I must say.

    However, I find it hard to determine whether that it's in fact a ghost or not, however I'd like to think it is, as looking at the photos to me give me the feeling that something is looking right back at me.

    I highly doubt that your breath could of made something as spectacular as that!

    If you have any more photos, please do share!
