Hell Hound

As I awoke from a nap one afternoon this is what I was faced with. I could actually feel the focused ray beams surging through my head and I knew my brain was beginning to slowly fry. Gathering what was left of my wits, I grabbed the camera and snapped this, knowing it may be my last act in this world. As I took the picture I realized my brain was beginning to cool down and I correctly presumed that the camera lens was using the deadly beam to be reflected back at this unworldly beast. As I watched through the viewfinder I saw the image flicker and fade away. Lethargy overcame me and I slumped back into a deep sleep. When I awoke hours later, I shuddered at the thought of the dream I had had. Then I saw the camera laying haphazardly on the floor. Later, when I developed the film, my worst fears were confirmed. Now, I sleep with one eye open, always a camera in my clutches.

Jim Worley
Houston, TX

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