Perfectly Balanced Rocks

This last month my Father was visiting Puerto Vallarta on vacation with my Mother and they saw an amazing sight while walking down the beach.

They saw a tourist who was wandering around a rocky portion of the beach who was picking up a large boulders and balancing them on their pointed ends.

First the guy would heft the boulder around to get a sense of its center of gravity and then balance the boulder on top of another on its pointed end! My Dad was so amazed that he ran back to his hotel room and got the camera. By the time he returned the guy had left, but there were approx. 10-12 boulders balanced on top of the large rocks on the beach. By the next day the rocks had all been knocked down. So my Dad, a former Boeing engineer, went out and tried to get the rocks to balance and couldn't. I have included two of the photos that showed the amazing sight. I would never have believed it without seeing the pictures.

From: Andrew Caton

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