Burning Faces

This picture was taken in Richmond, Illinois. I was house sitting my sister and brother-in-law's house, along with some friends and my girlfriend. It was a nice night out, so we decided to make a bon fire. My brother in law is a carpenter-contractor, and he always has scraps of wood around his property. What you see in the picture is a wood base to a pillar. We had a Polaroid camera and we took pictures of the base because it was burning in such a cool way. When we went inside, and checked this picture, we all noticed it right away. FACES!! If you look close, you can see all sorts of faces. It made the hair on the back of my neck stick up.

-- Tony Cimbalo

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, that's some creepy stuff you have there!

    I, myself, vaguely remember taking a photo almost similar to that when my girlfriend and I were out back, where a fire had broken out, all you could see were faces in the structure, it was really creepy!

    But thank you ever so much in sharing this photo, great content as always!
