Family Ghost Image

This picture was taken_Christmas 1998. The camera flash in the window almost hides my ghost. Look to the side of the blonde and you will see the face. My son Jason took this picture on a timer none of the other pictures had the face. What was weird to me that when are picture was being taken I was thinking about my youngest son_Asa that suicided May 23, 1994._I was thinking that he was right here with the rest of the family having his picture taken with us and standing next to me. Jason called and told me that his picture had a ghost in it and he believed it was Asa . I hadn't told anyone about thinking Asa was standing there with us. Back left to right Randy, Ruth Peterson(me) below Kevin, Stefanie Kalberg Allyson, Christine, Jason Kingsolver_. My son Asa was only 13 years old and we still miss him. As I write this the news just showed Apolo Anton the speedskater thats going to the Olympics. My son Asa skated with him for years_bringing back alot of memories.

Received From Ruth Peterson

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