A Halloweeny Scare!

To pet lovers everywhere. I consider myself to be a loving, responsible, animal lover/pet owner, and I'm sharing the following anecdote with you, in the hope that sharing my experience may help to warn or enlighten others regarding the secret "twisted sense of humor" some pets may have around Halloween. "TUBU"(my cat) doesn't really get outside much. As a matter of fact, with the exception of a couple of trips to the vet, he's never been outside (a sad reality of urban domestication). Despite the hardship of apartment living, I would say that Tubu is a happy animal.

Lately I've noticed a couple of "deviations" from his regular playful routines. One of his favorite games is "fetch". I know some cat owners are familar with this talent in cats, and although rare, cats do fetch, and I'm very proud of Tubu's "dog like" abilities in this area. The other day (during one of our fetch sessions) I noticed Tubu not returning with the "fetched" squishy ball we usually play with. After a couple of minutes, I finally saw Tubu, just sitting there.. about 15 or 20 feet away.He had something in his mouth. It was'nt the colorful squishy ball we always play with, but some nasty, swollen, wet, black thing... round and bulbous.. with little holes in it ( Ithink).

Anyway, our harmless fetch game seemed to have taken an odd turn somehow when Tubu just sat there motionless with the "ball" (or whatever it was) just staring at me... not fetching. The spooky thing is that Ithought I saw something in his eyes..something like that slitty, grinning, smiley quality you think you can read in cats' eyes? you know? Like he was keeping his distance, and laughing at my confusion about the situation. His face seemed to have answers to things I only had questions about.

As soon as I approached him, he ran off with his prize (to one of his secret hiding places I've yet to find). My initial thought was; what did I do to disturb the trust/bond thing? What was up with the not fetching, the creepy stare, the running away and hiding, and worst of all, the NEW TOY!

I thought back to a few days ago when, during one of many "one way conversations" I may have said something bad to Tubu. Tubu does'nt speak. No meows, squeaks, gunts, or growls. He does recognize lots of words, and we have always communicated very well... or at least I thought so, until now.

Now I know that if you are a pet owner, you've had the experience of talking to your cat as he looks up at you, perhaps while feeding him or playing etc. "Is that good?" "do you want to play?" or something like that. Maybe you've had the occasion to explain why you are not going to give your pet food or treats because he knows It's not mealtime (even though he's "begging" or rubbing up against you in a cat-like but suggestive manner). My cat communicates with his eyes and "body gestures" and, the other day when he was looking up at me in that "asking for some attention" kind of way, I looked down at him and in a joking, parental, manner actually said: " I really don't think that we'll be trick or treating this year." "It's just to creepy out there this year, with the terrorist stuff and all that." " we'll just stay in and give out candy this year." "OK?" "It'll be fun.. you'll see."

Well at this point, I can imagine alot of reactions to this little story, and what ever you might think about me talking to Tubu like a mental patient, I know you all talk to your pets. Some of you ,I would guess, even engage in ridiculous babytalk, the likes of which would never be heard among other homonids.. am I right? Well, a little after my talk with Tubu, he quietly slinked off somwhere..

I did'nt really notice anything until I called him for dinner. I was concerned when he did'nt come running. I started to feel guilty. Was he sick? Was he mad at me? Was he hiding and punnising me in the only way he could? I went off to fetch Tubu.


P.S. I don't know where he got the EARS!
Happy Halloween Sean

Received from "Sean Daly" seandaly@erols.com

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