Ghost Beating Ghost

I am a Police Captain in Shelby OH (Richland County). This photograph was taken in rural Holmes County, near Loudonville OH. The property abuts the Mohican River, which has a large canoeing tourist draw.

The area consists of a lengthy stone drive, a pavilion, small outbuildings, and is in a valley, bordered by the river and woods. This is a fantastic site for many get togethers throughout the year, and many of us take firearms for target practice and fun on his own range.

This photograph was taken at night, and intended to capture attendees sitting on picnic tables inside the pavilion. The light at the top of the photo is a bulb inside the pavilion, and the lights near the center/bottom are a flash reflection from the shoes worn by the subjects of the photos. No one was smoking, either as the photo subjects, or the photographer.

Some people, including myself, have sensed a presence in the specific area where the photo was taken._ It is generally only felt in this specific area, and only intermittently. When it is not there, everyone knows and when it is there, everyone feels it.

To me, the photo appears to be the figure of one ghost striking or beating another ghost. What do you think?

Received from Lance Combs
Shelby, OH

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