Shadow People

Picture I made from my own Shadow people experience. It sounds outlandish, but, I dealt with them extensively from the age of 11-12 till I was 16-17. I'm 22 now. They are very easy to spot once you know how. They are bad guys too. Appear as a 3 dimensional shadow in the middle of a hall or room. They tend to pick on the easily frightened. Others in my area eventually saw them as well, though I was the first. After finding info on the internet that others had similar experiences, I knew I wasn't nuts. My mother also claims that her, her cousin, and my older sister saw them in another house well before I was born. They had never mentioned it before. They said, "we didn't want to feed your imagination". There experiences are new to me, though, one of my friends claims to have had an experience of his own. He says that little rodent like ones held him down while a large man like one entered his apartment. He shouted the name "Jesus" and the little ones ran under the door. The big one walked out cooly and slammed the door. The landlord who lived downstairs asked him the next day to avoid slamming doors and running down the stairs after 2 in the morning. The guys cat was hiding under the porch and wouldn't come out. From my experience, they mean no good and will harm you when challenged. It seems like they're everywhere and people just don't notice them. I myself have not noticed them since I moved with exception to chance encounters. Seems that if you talk about them, they come around. Would love to trick them into getting caught on camera.


  1. My daughter tells me that she also sees shadow ppl. I tell her to not be affraid because I have no idea what els to tell her. I tell her it's okay, and to pray if she sees them again. She has seen these since she was very young. She would have night terrors as a toddler, and I often wonder if they are somehow attracted to her, in some way. I myself had seen an evil presence in my bedroom closet as a child. Could this have been past on to her? Is she sensitive to these unusual entities?

  2. Certainly, there are cases in which it is inherited. You move away from that kind of thing, because it's dangerous for her, if not on a level of spiritual consciousness proper. If you decide to take my advice: Try to get her away from that kind of stuff, but never deny its existence, as there ... and more 'stuff' than you imagine ... be smart ... Is all that I have allowed to say at this time.

  3. Michael Peterson, Charlotte , MiDecember 9, 2012 at 1:57 PM

    Well 18 years ago i was in a bad wreck i was told i died and was brought back 2 times ... i remmber stoping at yeid sign then i started to go i saw lights to my left., the next thing i remmber i was sittng in my truck . I got out my truck looked at the damage got scared jumped in the truck tryed to start it but it would'nt start . I looked to my right & i saw a shadow figure with a hat on coming in to my truck, then i looked forward and saw i thought ambulance lights . then the next thing i know the hole inside of the cab filled with so much light i could'nt see nothing but light , but it did'nt hurt my eyes . next thing i know i was in what i call a dream , then i open my eyes and i was in the hospital ..I found out later from my friend that was with me who was sitting on the curb that i never got out of my truck or moved , she thought i was died at that time ... i beleve i had a out of body expereice , now i see things sometimes ,it also it seems i can sense ghost & hear tham. not sure makes me feel weried & it seems like i know things like peoples thoughts, i finish their sentences . ... the shadow figure came back about 2 mouths ago , as i was sleeping one seemed to sit on or push down on my stomach and the other covered my mouth , i knew in a minute who they where . even thought i had a hard time breathing i started to laugh at them & i soon as i could i said jesus christ about 3 times .. not seen them since.. i know it sounds crazy but it's not
