They Come To Me

I took this picture In late November of 1999. Maple Hill Cemetery in Northern Michigan, where it was taken, has had a lot of activity as seen in hundreds of our images ( This particular image was taken with a digital camera, and is unedited. You don't even have to look too closely to see some of the dozen people in this ectoplasmic image. It was too dark to see this image with the naked eye. The flash exposed to us all why I had such a strong urge to take this picture where I did.

I don't consider myself a "ghost hunter", really, but on infrequent occasions a small group of us goes out with several types of cameras (digital/traditional) and we always get interesting results.

Feel free to use this image, the above paragraph(s) and my e-mail address however you wish.

I listen to_Coast to Coast AM whenever I can -- some of it makes me laugh (nonsense)... and other times I quietly nod my head, because I, too, trust some of my abnormal experiences as reality.

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