Kitty and the Spirit

We love listening to your show from wherever we happen to be in the country. We have a home on the top of a mountain in Idaho, in Wilderness Ranch, outside of Boise. This shot was taken by a friend when she first came to stay with us. It was a clear, beautiful day in May of 2001. We just let our kitty out, and my friend went outside and stood on the deck in awe of our view. She took a shot of the beautiful scenery that we look out over--but instead of a great photo, got this one, with a white hazy blur in front of her shot. (By the way, all the other shots she took came out "normal'!) I probably wouldn't have given it a second look if our kitty wasn't giving (the white blur) such a strange look! Maybe your viewers can determine if it is actually a spirit or not....(?) We did have some strange things happen in the house that same week--nothing bad, just fairly unexplainable. Thought you might be interested.

Frankie Avalon Wolfe

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